The Ideal Email Client

Recently, I was speaking with my fraternity's academic advisor via email regarding a post on the fraternity's mailing list. He had made a comment about how he dislikes it when people top-post. Now, people have been arguing about the proper way to send emails for as…

Getting Started With SSH

It was brought to my attention that some of my classmates did not know much about using SSH. This post should serve as a guide to getting set up with a basic SSH environment to use. I will not be covering things about the shell, since that is way out…

The Problems with BitBucket

I first started using version control about a year ago on the recommendation of a friend (and the rest of the internet). Until than, I had not really been exposed to it. I thought, "Why do I need it? I am only developing on one machine and I am…

Blogging Software

Part of the reason I started this blog was so that I could experiment with different technologies, workflows, and design elements. Up until today, I had used Wordpress as my blog software because it seemed like the industry standard and was easy enough to get set up on my web…

Senior Project: Game Bench

In my last post, I outlined my idea making process for my senior project. The idea that we finally went with is a mixture of a virtual table top program and a card game program. Our goal is to allow people to play board games, card games, and RPGs over…

Senior Project Ideas

I am a couple weeks into classes now, so hopefully I will have some time to work on some projects. One of the classes that I am taking in my last semester at CWRU is EECS 395: Senior Project. It is not a required class for me (since I had…

Blog Creation and Purpose

An unfortunate set of circumstances has left the machine where my previous blog resided inoperable. As such, I have lost all of my previous posts. Granted, as part of the loss of data, I also was not able to make any new posts for a large portion of the semester.…